Book An Online Valuation
Dealing with a loved one’s estate can feel overwhelming. Our online valuation service offers a straightforward, cost-effective way to value household contents and individual items for probate and open market purposes.
All our valuations comply with HMRC guidelines and Section 160 of the Inheritance Tax Act 1984, giving you peace of mind during the probate process.
Need help? Contact our friendly team at or call 0330 088 4099.

Book An In Person Valuation
Dealing with a loved one’s estate can feel overwhelming. Our professional valuation service offers a comprehensive, room-by-room assessment of household contents and individual items for probate purposes. Our experienced valuers can meet with you at the property, liaise with solicitors, or collect keys to conduct the valuation.
All our valuations comply with HMRC guidelines and Section 160 of the Inheritance Tax Act 1984, giving you peace of mind during the probate process.
Need help? Contact our friendly team at or call 0330 088 4099.